Dias de los Muertos

Dias de los Muertos

Friday, May 23, 2014

5th grade Animal Ceramic Bowls

I just couldn't resist showing some more of these awesome bowls that my 5th graders created.

3rd grade flowers inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe

3rd graders: Warm and Cool colored flowers inspired by artist Georgia O'Keeffe.
Students first used pencil to draw a large flower onto black construction paper. Then students traced their pencil drawing in regular Elmer's glue. Students used oil pastel (Craypas) to color in between the glue outline. And the end results are fabulous!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ceramic Animals

2nd grade ceramic animal sitters
embellished with beads, buttons and wire.
5th grade ceramic bowls. Students started with a basic pinch pot and added more clay to bring their creation to life.

Monday, May 12, 2014

2nd grade ceramics

Animal sitters...ceramic animals embellished with color sharpie, wire and beads.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

5th grade weaving

 5th grade character weavings.
Students had to design a person, animal or monster.

Students could embellish their character with buttons or beads.

Students learned weaving vocabulary.  (Warp/Weft/Loom)